The Weekly Stuff Podcast with Jonathan Lack & Sean Chapman

The Weekly Stuff #489 - Reviewing Persona 3: The Weird Masquerade Stage Play

Episode Summary

This Friday sees the release of Persona 3 Reload, and to celebrate, we’re resurrecting a segment where Sean, Jonathan, and special guest star Occasional Thomas watched and reviewed Persona 3: The Weird Masquerade, 

Episode Notes

This Friday sees the release of Persona 3 Reload, the remake of one of our very favorite video games ever made, and to celebrate, we’re resurrecting a segment from our 10th Anniversary Podcast in 2022, where Sean, Jonathan, and special guest star Occasional Thomas watched and reviewed the first part of Persona 3: The Weird Masquerade, the stage play adaptation of the game from 2014. “Weird” is definitely the operative word here, as this is a very quirky theatrical (and musical!) adaptation of an already bizarre game, but it makes for a very interesting conversation, one we’re excited to present as a standalone episode for the first time! 


Link to Persona 3: The Weird Masquerade YouTube Fansubs -

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Music by Thomas Lack